me and Winda first day working as steward department...cleaning the washing room..
ppl working..Jack still sempat bergambar..
who is him? haha..its cheong..
Yohan praying for the trainees..
Captain Kim praying..
Cheong got the best in the examination...so jealous..hahahha..Lydia finally smile..Hessed..XD
Selwyn [Andrew] received the certificate from Captain Kim
Rekha [Mary] received the certificate from Captain Kim
Anne [Salome] received the certificate from Captain Kim
Alvin [John] received the certificate from Captain Kim
Jack [Peter] received the certificate from Captain Kim
Jerry [Matthew] received the certificate from Captain Kim
Wan Li [Johana] received the certificate from Captain Kim
Cheong [Philip] received the certificate from Captain Kim
Ceremony of presenting certificates..to all trainees..
raise our hand and...Thank...
From Philipines...Jack and Siong
from Indonesia ...Alvin and Wan Li
Inal aren, Inal aren...
Korea....Inal aren Inal aren juye jiulsin, juye nalise..Gipo hago, gipo hamyeo, jeulgowo hase, jeulgowo hase..Inal aren juye nalilse. Gipo hago, jeulgowo hase, Inal aren, Inal aren juye nalilse..
4th presentation- cultural dance...=]
Let the poor say, I am rich...
Sharing my testimony..actually, my leg is shaking..hahhaa..
but actually, I am happy to share with you guys..I am glad that you guys are touched by my testimony...GBU
2nd presentation- I love Jesus dance..sembarangan..just dance with the faith..coz lack of practice..thumbs up to them**
front view...
back up singers..=]
side-front view...
The reaction of Hannah members..during our first presentation..
Drummer- Jack...=]
Side View...cooll...
Guitarist- Rekha..ProBassist-Jerry
the view from the back
Jerry so cute...rabbit? hahaha..
friendship lasts forever
Jack: I wanna sleep!!
Waiting for her turn to drama...
Anne [Salome] and Hessed
Rekha [Mary] and Hessed
[Johana] Wan Li and Hessed
Selwyn and Hessed
EPIC picture of Cheong XD~
What the Lord had done for me dance..rehersal for graduation night..
hmph..so do i look like a korean..XD hahaha... don think so..but I miss that
me in the korea outfit..first time wear so long de dress..=D
Siong and Jack from Philipines
Rekha and Selwyn
Wan Li and Alvin from Indonesia
Jerry and Anne[me] from South Korea
Rehersal for Graduation Night..Cultural Dance..
blur a bit..@@ still nice..
Nice one..Jump for JESUS..I LOVE JESUS!
From Left to Right: Alvin, Anne[me], Rekha, Wan Li. Siong, Jack, Jerry, Zeon
In Hannah Vests..One Week Hannah Members...
The reaction of Hannah members..during our first presentation..
Drummer- Jack...=]
In 18th-23rd of October 2010, I've joined the Tranformation Training Course. I've learned a lot. I met many new friends in the ship. I'm really happy to be a part in the ship for one week. I understand its God purpose to send me there. In this training, I learnt to share, love and humble..=] unforgetable experience of bathing together =D
special thanks to Hannah Members and the 9 trainees..Love ya! and God bless you..=)
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