Rekha and me at the upper deck..

haha..nice group photo..Jack! good pose..!=D

Group photo of the 9 trainees

Fellowship with hannah members=]

the engine chief and me..so hard to take pic with you..vry valuable..i will keep this picture ...=Dhehe

me and Amy..~

nice smile..peace.. Jackson and me

me and the korean ladies... from left to right: Anna, Lydia, me, May, Esther

Last day in the engine control room..the chief very cool...=D

Rolly and me..

Olivia and me..

Jessica and me..

Maryana and me=]

Ummi and me..

Yohan and me..

take 2..he got nice smile..and my smile spoiled==

David and me..sweating@@

RU and me=]

Mission Sunday at St.Michael...=)

Jeko and me..

May and me

Renan and me =]

Wulan and me..

Amy and me

Brian and me =)

David and me in the church during mission Sunday at SMC..

me and Jonatan..

me and Brian at the chapel

Winda and me=)

Captain Kim and me..=]

Special Hessed and me

Devie/Dave and me..

Friendship lasts forever..=]

Zeon@ Cheong and me..

Maryana and me..=]again!^^

nice photo? don u think so?

Jack and me=]
sleepy eyes..


Rekha and me..
I met a lot of new friends in the ship..I Thank God for that great pleasure..I am happy and glad=]
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