me taking picture with the clown at Pavilion..XD she's good in making pose..thumbs up**

Last day= before departing from KL to Sandakan.
eat lunch at MaryBrown in the airport

at Mid Valley...Pameran of FiFa World Cup.

eating the mango ice-cream[sorbet] rm6:90**

you think its real? hahahhaa..u've been lied..these are fake..haha..found it in one of the time square shop..

Dad and Mom in front of Pavilion.. sweet couple..haha<3>

sport car found in Pavilion...

observe carefully...hahaha..XD

another picture of me and her=D
Starbucks ice Mocha
will always be my favourite..n u? bt expensive..



costs Rm3 = Ribena +sprite + lime drink== not bad..with nada de coco inside too

MOm's was having her burger in mac donald at KL Central

sweet couple..jkjk=]

Mac DOnald ice-cream is always my choice..though its nt chocolate flavour

First clothe I try in KL...Hush puppies..but didnt buy..
tak ngam la
feeling trying shoes at Mid Valley..

woowooohoo..i like that too 'tocang' hmm..

God loves you
and I do too... love yourself ya..

I like the doll..hmm..but expensive la.. 'mai mm lok sau'

Beef Boloagnise** spaghetti at Kenny Rogers, Mid Valley..

at Kenny Rogers..daddy is showing his thumbs up..hahaha..hmm..

eating Kid's Meal.. chicken boloagnise spaghetti at the airplane[on the way to KL] feels hungry..
I dono why I always choose Kid's meal...

=P yummy
There's always a cool look when waiting the aeroplane..=]

me and my sis..

Mommy and Daddy..
My family and I travel to KL during this mid-term holiday at 6-10 June 2010.
having a nice time with my familyXD
broke through many challenging moments and wonderful experience..
Thanks for viewing this blog..hmm...
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